
Q & A: Too Little time to Land

Q. I just got the landing papers, but I found the expire date was only 33 days away. The visa was issued in late-January and will expire in early March. It is impossible for me to leave right now. Is it possible that the visa can be extended for a few months?

Answer: In cases where the validity of landing documents is based on the validity of medical examinations, extension is rare. If the validity of the landing documents is based on passport expiration, however, extension of the validity of the passports can allow for extension of the validity of the landing documents.

In order to request extension, the landing documents would have to be returned to the visa office. The risk in doing so is that the documents expire and that the visa office does not return them to you prior to such time, or that they advise you that a new application is required. If you can visit the visa office in person, this may help.

If it is at all possible to land in Canada, and then return home to conclude your affairs, this is your best bet.

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