
Q & A: Cover Letter for Employers

Q. I want to know how to write résumé’s cover letter for Canadian Employers. I have several years of computer experience with many related International certifications. I also want to know what attractive text should be in one’s resume cover letter, So that employer does not wonder that person wants employment letter for achieving ten extra points only in Canadian immigration process. In reality I not only want ten points but I am true job seeker. I had seen there are 100’s of Canadian job’s for whom I can meet their requirements very easily instead that there are jobs for whom I am extra qualified and experienced. I had researched a lot on this topic (resume Cover Letter for Canadian immigrants) but cannot find any sample cover letters nor help. So please help me how to write cover letter for Canadian employers while you do not have permanent residence and living in one’s own homeland.

Answer: A cover letter should never be a template. It should be an honest and unique attempt to get your message across. The cover letter is meant to be the sales piece for your resume. The thing that you must remember is that there are three main parts to a cover letter.

1. Attention
2. Sell
3. Action

In the first paragraph, get right to the point. What can you offer? What position are you applying for? What can you offer to solve the employer’s problems?

In the second paragraph show how you intend to solve the employer’s problems. What are your credentials? What is your experience? What are you better equiped than all the other candidates? What are you ready to offer?

In the third paragraph decide who owns the next step. Are you going to follow up or are you going to leave it to the employer to get back to you? My recommendation is to let the employer know that you will email him/her again in two weeks to see if there is any interest.

If you follow this method, you should be able to pull out a decent cover letter.

“Harry the HR Expert”
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