
Where to submit application

Q. I was admitted to my current country of residence for a period of 6 months. I then was able to extend the duration of this admission by another 6 months. Am I allowed to submit my application to the visa office responsible for my current country of residence?

Answer: As you are aware, the current Regulations require that applicants submit applications to the visa office responsible for the country of your citizenship, legal permanent residence, or to which you have been residing if you have been legally admitted for a period of at least one year.

Although there have been varying forms of interpretation of these Regulations since their implementation this year, these are starting to become standardized. As a general rule, at present, visa offices are accepting applications from applicants who may have been admitted for a period of less than one year initially, if they have subsequently received extension of such admission for an additional period totaling one year or more.

As submission to the wrong visa office can result in delays to your case, it is important than applicants confirm the policy of the office to which their case is being submitted, and ensure that they meet the requirements of the provisions of Regulation 11.

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