Prince Edward Island Provincial Nominee Program

CIC News
Published: October 1, 2007

Under the Agreement for Canada-Prince Edward Island Co-operation on Immigration, the Prince Edward Island Provincial Nominee Program (PEI PNP) fast-tracks Canadian immigration applications. 

The Prince Edward Island (PEI) provincial government is looking to recruit individuals to increase its population, its supply of skilled workers, and to fuel business and economic development. Through the PEI PNP, applicants can seek Canadian Permanent Residency in PEI’s unique island setting "where quality time multiplies, where the drive home after a long day’s work can take all of ten minutes, and where the beach is only twenty minutes away." PEI PNP applicants who meet minimum requirement for age, education, experience, and language ability can qualify under one of four categories: Skilled Worker, Immigrant Entrepreneur, Immigrant Partner, or Immigrant Connections.

Skilled Worker Category - The PEI government maintains a Skills Shortage List to keep job-seekers up to date as to the demand for skilled workers in certain industries. PNP Skilled Worker applicants must have a permanent full-time job offer from a PEI employer and the intention to settle permanently in the province. Applicants must have the necessary English or French language skills and the education and training required for the position.

Immigrant Entrepreneur Category - Immigrant Entrepreneur nominees plan to either establish a new enterprise in Prince Edward Island or purchase an existing business. They must have a business plan and several years of business management experience. The provincial government requires Immigrant Entrepreneur nominees to make several deposits in escrow to PEI, which will be returned after one year’s residency and the establishment of the proposed business. The applicants must also satisfy minimum requirements for personal net worth and amount invested in the PEI business.

Immigrant Partner Category - The Immigrant Partner applicant proposes to make an investment in an existing PEI company and plans to take an active managerial role in its operations. Immigrant Partner nominees must also make several deposits in escrow to PEI and must satisfy minimum requirements for personal net worth and amount invested in the company.

Immigrant Connections Category - Specifically referring to family connections, this category reunites close family members in Prince Edward Island. Eligible family members, referred to as ‘Champions’, must have resided in PEI for at least two years and must be Canadian citizens or Permanent Residents in good standing. Champions can nominate their parents, grandparents, children, grandchildren, cousins, aunts or uncles, nieces or nephews. Applicants must have a permanent full-time job offer from a PEI employer or the have the intention and capacity to obtain one.

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