Nurses in High Demand throughout Canada

CIC News
Published: August 14, 2013

There is currently a high demand for nurses throughout Canada. A recent immigration change has again made it possible for nurses to immigrate to Canada without a job offer. On August 1st 2013 Canada’s Province of Quebec announced important changes to its popular Quebec Skilled Worker (QSW) program, which results in a Canadian Permanent Residency Visa. Under the revised QSW program, nurses will receive even more points than previously for their education/area of training.

“If you are a nurse, now is the time to seize the opportunity and apply for immigration to Canada,” said Attorney David Cohen. “Nurses in Canada have a bright future with a welcoming job market, high salaries and of course an exceptional quality of life.”

Nursing in Quebec

Quebec is home to rapidly expanding healthcare services. This includes the construction of two large hospital complexes in Montreal, which are expected to be completed in 2015 and 2016.

The province has taken measures to ensure that it continues to grow its nurse population. The QSW program, which is the main source of economic immigration to Quebec, recently reworked its points system in a way that favours nurses. Nursing professionals may now earn 16 points towards their overall QSW point requirement, up from 12 points before. This represents the highest possible amount of points that can be awarded for any area of training/field of study.

This increase in points is significant. Quebec usually places a high emphasis on French language skills for individuals looking to immigrate. However, many nursing applicants will not necessarily need to learn French in order to receive enough points to immigrate under the QSW program, thanks to the amount of points they will receive for their professional background.

Nurses in Quebec can receive an average salary ranging between $50,000 and $60,000 a year. Due to nursing shortages throughout the province, there are many opportunities to earn even more than this. One article from April 2013 described a nurse earning an impressive $315,000 through overtime work and benefits.

Successful applicants to the QSW program receive Canadian Permanent Residency. Applicants immigrating as Quebec Skilled Workers should have a genuine intention of settling in the Province of Quebec. Once a Permanent Resident arrives in Canada, the Canadian Constitution grants all permanent residents and citizens the right and freedom to live and work in any of Canada's provinces or territories.

Nursing in Canada

The Canadian Nurses Associations predicts that a staggering 60,000 nurses will be needed by 2022 in order to fill labour shortages. Nurses are highly sought after throughout the country, in both urban and rural areas.

Registered nurses may work in a wide range of capacities, all of which are needed in Canada. These include:

  • Nurse practitioners
  • Nurse researchers
  • Specialized nurses (burn patient, dialysis, cardiology, nephrology)
  • Nurse instructors
  • Psychiatric nurses
  • Nurse technicians
  • And more

According to the government, nurses make on average $51,000/year. However, according to the Ontario Nurse’s Association, a career nurse in the province can make over $80,000. Nurses who go on to management positions in their field may top even this, with showing clinical nursing manager salaries in Canada at over $105,000.

“Nurses are critical to ensuring the health of Canada’s population,” said Attorney Cohen. “There is no question that for their work, Canadians are willing to pay top dollar.”

In addition to the QSW, nurses may be eligible for immigration through a number of Provincial Nomination Programs. If you are a nurse and interested in immigrating to Canada, please fill out a free online assessment today to learn about your options.

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