Canadian Immigration News Briefs for March 2014

CIC News
Published: April 1, 2014

The following is a summary of developments concerning Canadian Citizenship and Immigration that took place or were announced over the last two weeks.

Quebec Announces New Caps

The Government of Quebec has announced a number of measures for its Skilled Worker, Investor, and Entrepreneur programs. >>Read more

Immigration Minister Hints at New Immigrant Investor Program

The Canadian Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, Chris Alexander, visited Hong Kong and mainland China last week. >>Read more

More Information Released on Nova Scotia Regional Labour Market Demand Stream

The Nova Scotia Office of Immigration has released further details on its newest immigration stream, called the Regional Labour Market Demand Stream. >>Read more

 Canadian Immigration Minister Visits China 

Chris Alexander, the Canadian Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, is currently traveling to Hong Kong and Shanghai. >>Read more

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