CanadaVisa News Briefs for Mid-October, 2016
The following is a summary of developments concerning Canadian immigration and citizenship that have taken place over the past week.
Our Canadian immigration news briefs bring you the latest news as it happens. When published, these articles are posted across our social media channels, including Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn.
• 647 Candidates for Immigration to Canada Through BC PNP Invited to Apply in September 27 Draw
The province of British Columbia continues to be a leader on the immigration front, with 647 candidates having been issued an Invitation to Apply (ITA) to the British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP) in a draw that took place on September 27, 2016. A wide range of workers, international graduates, and entrepreneurs are now in a position to submit an application for a provincial nomination certificate to the BC PNP, after which they may apply to the federal government for permanent resident status. >>Read More
• 298 Candidates for Immigration to Canada Through Manitoba PNP Invited to Apply in September 29 Draw
Manitoba has issued 298 Letters of Advice to Apply (LAAs) to the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP) in a draw that took place on Thursday, September 29, 2016. This province, located in central Canada, issues LAAs through two sub-categories of the Skilled Workers category of the MPNP. A total of 258 LAAs were issued to candidates through the Skilled Workers in Manitoba sub-category, while 40 LAAs were issued through the Skilled Workers Overseas sub-category. >>Read More
Saskatchewan's International Skilled Worker - Occupations In-Demand Immigration Category Reopens for 500 New Applications
A popular immigration category in Saskatchewan is accepting 500 new applications as of the morning of October 4, 2016. The International Skilled Worker - Occupations In-Demand sub-category of the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP) allows skilled workers with experience in an in-demand occupation in Saskatchewan to make an application for a provincial nomination certificate, which may then be followed by an application for Canadian permanent residence. Applicants do not require a job offer in order to make an application. >>Read More
Quebec Seeks to Retain More International Students in Montreal after Graduation
The Quebec government has announced it will invest $1.6 million in a program to encourage international students in Montreal to remain in the province after graduation. 'I Choose Montreal' will be run by economic development organization Montréal International, and will be directed towards university, college, and vocational students in the Greater Montreal area. The initiative was developed in consultation with the Ministère de l’Immigration, de la Diversité, et de l’Inclusion (the Ministry of Immigration, Diversity, and Inclusion, or MIDI). >>Read More
Thanksgiving Monday Marks Beginning of Citizenship Week
Canadian Thanksgiving falls on the second Monday of October. This year, Thanksgiving Day also marks the beginning of Citizenship Week, a week of events and ceremonies to acknowledge the rights and responsibilities of Canadian citizens. Over the past ten years, Canada has welcomed 1,500,000 new Canadians. During the coming week, Canadians will have the opportunity to welcome newcomers. 47 citizenship ceremonies across the country will grant citizenship status to individuals who have made Canada their new home. >>Read More
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