Ontario holds first PNP invitation round for Masters and PhD grads

Shelby Thevenot
Published: August 18, 2021

Ontario has held its first round of invitations for the Masters Graduate and PhD Graduate streams, nearly two weeks after revamping the intake system for the two provincial immigration programs.

Between two draws, the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) invited 479 international student graduates to apply for a provincial nomination on August 18.

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Ontario invited 402 to apply for the Masters Graduate stream. Invited candidates needed Expression of Interest (EOI) scores of at least 39 in order to receive an invitation.

For the PhD Graduate stream, Ontario invited 77 candidates with EOI scores of 17 and above.

About the Masters Graduate and PhD Graduate streams

These Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs) operate under Ontario's EOI system. In order to be considered for either the Masters Graduate or PhD Graduate streams, you need to sign up with Ontario's e-Filing Portal then register an expression of interest for your graduate stream. If you are eligible, you will receive an invitation to apply for the provincial nomination. Also, you need to apply for the nomination within two years of graduating. You do not need a job offer to apply for these streams.

How do you get points for Ontario immigration?

Ontario ranks EOI profiles based on a number of human capital factors that the province has decided will be important in selecting immigrants with the potential to thrive. You get points for the skill level of your job offer as well as your Canadian work experience.

The OINP scoring system is different depending on which stream you apply for. Other than skill level and work experience, it also takes into account your wage, education, official language ability, and the region in which you study or work. The province also allocates 10 points at its discretion to respond to labour market needs.

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